Good Days!

The past few days Mom has been really good. Such a contrast to last week where I thought for sure she was on her way out. I think I've figured out how to keep her pain under control. She is talking a lot more again and smiling and seems pretty happy.

This morning I asked her if she wanted her blanket on, of course as I was laying it across her lap. Then she said, "Nope. I don't want it." She definitely knows what she wants so it must be very frustrating for her not to be able to express that. I'm just glad she is doing better. She actually went to bed last night without crying at all! Isabell says it was because she was helping. Silly songs and stories did help keep mom distracted.

She is still not eating very much. And mostly she eats soft foods. She has difficulty chewing so we are keeping the food easy to eat. As most of you know, the food part of this is the most challenging to me. But we keep a steady supply of yogurt and bananas going.


Yay for medicine, happy songs and silly stories! I am glad Grandma seems to be feeling better. What have you found that seems to be working?

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