Makeover night

Tonight at enrichment 
I was chosen to get a "makeover".  It included a haircut and make-up.  My hair had gotten very long, and I was so ready to get it cut.  I don't think I would have gone so short normally, but the whole excitement of the evening made me feel a little daring and giddy.  So here I am.  Way short hair, blown straight, and wearing makeup.  Now I'm home, Scott is at work and won't see the new me until I've slept all night.  I'm betting on him not even noticing until 4 minutes have passed.  The boy says he can't take me seriously with my hair flipping up on the sides.  Whatever.  


Delora said…
I love the new hair cut. I wish I could be so daring. Maybe I can for my 40th birthday. Iam glad you have this blog. Now I can follow the Rennie clan. Talk to ya later.
Holly said…
Okay, you already know how much I LOVE the makeover, but seriously wasn't that like weeks ago? Add a new blog, girl, or I'll have to call you EVERYDAY to see what your up to! And I know you'll love that!
amy said…
I agree with Holly, Seriously you are one foxy babe, I loved the new dew!! I am excited to follow your blog, keep it clean ok(JK)

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