the Master Cleanse

Yes, it really is just like is sounds.  CLEANSE.  The first time I remember being on a diet was when I got home from Austria in 1985.  Six months in any european country can really add on the pounds.  Chocolate, zimmels, whole milk, chocolate, pastries, italian ice cream, etc.  It wasn't really hard.  But since then, I've pretty much stayed the same weight.  I didn't even gain a ton of weight with my kids.  24 pounds with the twins and Amelia and only 14 pounds with Cameron.
But here I am, day 1 of the master cleanse and I'm feeling a little annoyed.  Yes, I know that it helps to have a "cleansing buddy", but I'm not feeling very buddy like tonight.  

I know that the cleanse is not really for losing weight, but to cleanse my body of toxins and waste that are making it unhealthy.  But I also know that if Scott didn't have 50 pounds to lose, he wouldn't be wanting to do this.  I do like the idea of cleaning everything out and starting to just put healthy things back in, but day one has been really hard for me.  First of all, I really do not like the lemonade.  The cayenne pepper totally burns my throat and I spent most of the day trying not to gag.  I seriously would rather just drink water for 5 days than drink the lemonade stuff.  And then as a bribe to Cameron and Madeline for driving all around with me in hopes to find some more mild, organic pepper, I bought them candy, which they had the nerve to eat right in front of me.  Seriously kids, wait until I get out of the car at least.  

I actually am feeling a little better now that I've gotten that all out.  And we are off to a meeting with the new high school coaches, so that will take me away from my kitchen for a little while.  And Nick wrote that he really needs jeans for his p-day on Thursday, so we can go shopping after that and I might be too tired when we get home to want to eat.  And could someone please tell Amelia to stop telling me she is sorry that I can't eat!


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