Harp Therapy

On Friday the Harp Therapist came over to visit. Originally I had not requested her to come, but Scott took the phone call and set up the visit. She came with an Irish harp that she could hold on her lap, although it still seemed fairly large.

Mom really seemed to enjoy the music and the visit. She kept trying to say something, but couldn't really get anything out. This woman has her degree in public health and told me how music is really helpful in creating connections to memories and feelings. It was obvious the music itself wasn't going to inspire anything. Seriously, there were several notes way off tune. But Heidi kept playing and singing and Mom enjoyed it.

Madeline plays the piano a lot for mom, and of course Scott always has Christmas music playing in the front room. However yesterday during ward choir practice (it's at our house) Mom was so touched by the Christmas music that she was sobbing the whole time. She may not be able to communicate very well, but she still understands everything going on around her and can still feel the spirit of beautiful music.


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